Don't be fooled by myths
Don't be fooled by myths
Lucky charms, rituals, special numbers—when it comes to gambling, some people rely on them to change their luck, but do they really work or are they just myths?
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Always have a game plan
Always have a game plan
What’s our favourite game plan? Managing our play by setting a limit for your time and money and keeping gambling a healthy and fun type of entertainment.
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What is chasing losses?
What is chasing losses?
Have you ever felt like you’re just one hand away from a big win? Or that the next game will make up for your losses? If so, you may be “chasing losses”.
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Everyone needs a break, even you
Everyone needs a break, even you
Taking regular breaks while gambling is always a good idea. It helps players be within their time and budget limit and reflect on wins and losses.
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Keep gambling fun
Keep gambling fun
Read about the types of situations that motivated players to connect with a GameSense Advisor—and the good that came from it.
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